Francis Nenik: Burning Bright, Burning Out. The Story of Poet and Anti-Apartheid Activist Edward Vincent Swart. Translated by Anna Aitken, in: Transition 119 (Harvard, April 2016), S. 155-167.


Francis Nenik: Publish and Be Free, on: (April 2016)

Translation: Amanda DeMarco


Francis Nenik: In Praise of an American Egg Wholesaler,

Story, Translated by Amanda DeMarco, in: Words Without Borders,

July 2015. (English and German. There is also an essay by Amanda DeMarco on translating this story).


Francis Nenik: How Hunter Mayhem Traveled to Uruguay.

Short Story - translated by Bradley Schmidt

published in no man's land #8 (winter 2013)


Francis Nenik: The Engineer

Short Story - translated by David Abbott

Published 2012 in eXchanges. Journal of Literary Translation (Iowa)


Francis Nenik: Joseph and I. (excerpt) Translation by Bradley Schmidt.

Published in may 2013 in Mad Hatters' Review 14.

Arthur Missa: Keeping up with the Johnsons

Short Story - Translated by Bradley Schmidt*

Published on the BS-Johnson-website in may 2009

read / download


* There's a German version of this text too, which is part of

Arthur Missa's book "Formenverfuger / Formenverfüger. Pieces of prose".